The 12 Days of Bitcoin – Twelve Things We Can Be Thankful For

By December 24, 2015Bitcoin Business

12 reasons to be thankful to bitcoin in 2015 It’s the day before Christmas, and I’m in a good mood, listening to Christmas carols. “The 12 Days of Christmas” comes on, and I think it is time to apply this classic to my current state of holiday cheer. Aren’t there twelve things to appreciate when it comes to Bitcoin? Is this a writing challenge? Will this be an easy one to overcome? I’m very thankful that I’ve lost about 30 lbs this year, but we’ll keep this Bitcoin related, shall we? So, without further ado…. (I’ll refrain from sticking to the song’s lyrical format.) 12 Days of Bitcoin

First, I’m thankful for It is my favorite exchange, working quickly and securely. Haven’t had any issues with downtime or security breaches. My ID hasn’t been required, either, adding an element of freedom, and reducing the specter of identity theft, or privacy violations. And no, I’ve never met someone in person to exchange BTC. The website interface does this very well.

Next, how about a nice bounce-back year for Bitcoin values? Brings a hint of respect to the people in my life who know how passionate I am about it’s future ascendancy as a global currency.

Piggybacking on that, I’m also thankful that the price hasn’t spiked past $1000 USD in some new, artificial bubble. That would severely curtail my ability to acquire a significant Bitcoin stash, in the near-term.

I’m thankful that I can buy Bitcoin anywhere I might be, unlike many fiat currencies. If you wanted Australian dollars and were standing in Istanbul, you might have a long day ahead of you. Some currencies are better to love than others.

Why not be thankful that I am sharp enough to appreciate Bitcoin’s present and future market value? I know many, many people […]

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