The growing online trading market has lately encountered a shift in traders’ attitude towards the newer and better financial technologies. Bitcoin — being the locomotive of this new decentralized technology — has certainly found its way into the mainstream businesses, also because it promises to offer partial-to-full anonymity to all its users. It is therefore emerging as a great option for traders who wish to remain active in online trading, but do not wish to be contemplated by higher authorities.
SimpleFX perhaps is one of the first CFD brokerage firms to have understood this need of anonymity. The renowned company has utilized the talents of Bitcoin to sketch out an anonymous CFD trading platform where traders are allowed to circumvent identity verification protocols at the time of deposits and withdrawals.
SimpleFX ensures to offer everything — from award-winning trading platform experience to zero commission policies to instant payouts — all at one place. The broker features a total of 60 currency pairs, alongside instruments from indices, commodities and precious metals market. Among the said currency pairs, there are 15 base currencies, which also features Bitcoin, as well its closest counterpart Litecoin.
“You don’t need to verify your account by showing your ID or giving your address information,” SimpleFX added. :Just deposit your Bitcoins and start trading without any further verification! Everything you need to do is to spare a minute to create an account and deposit your Bitcoins. Shortly after that, you are free to trade, simple as that!”
SimpleFX also offers traders the ability to maintain anonymity yet secure clients funds from unexpected online attacks. The broker has reliable safety standards installed at places to detect intrusion, while it also offers trader enough protection from the inside with its Negative Balance Protection policy.
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