Technically, the banking system did fail; and Bitcoin hasn’t. Just wanted to point that out to the media, R3, etc.

By January 19, 2016Bitcoin Business

Here in Finland the housing market is in an insane bubble, the government is doing all they can to stop people from earning a living and spending what money they have on things that generate taxes. Even the refugees cannot help clearing the snow because it is basically forbidden to shovel snow without a permit. And they are even willing to do it without any pay.

Uber-drivers are getting fines for not having taxi licenses. I’m glad they continue their work as it is necessary for new companies to be able to provide similar services and to provide a competetive market where one can also do deliveries between Uber-rides, thus making it a more secure form of employment than depending on just one company.

The government is loosing money by reducing the funds used on investigating tax evasion. This is probably the most clear signal that they are either corrupt as hell, stupid beyond belief or both.

Our defence minister’s rhetoric is very disturbing to anyone who values peace and he repeatedly declines to comment on his actions. He has actually threatened to walk out of an interview because the reporter had the audacity of asking reasonable questions that he would be obliged to answer. Our foreign minister is a xenophobic child. Our minister of finance has been caught lying to the parliament multiple times and is known for manipulating the media. Our prime minister is so lost, he might as well be in another galaxy.

It’s amazing the country is not in flames. Without it’s citizens current level of education and values this country would surely not survive. It is really worrisome that our prime minister has been using derogatory terms when referring to academics, the universities have had huge cuts and are now forced to let go a lot of people […]

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