Bitcoin and Ethereum are Driving Factors of Open Execution Initative

By April 10, 2016Bitcoin Business

Open source software is part of the nature of digital currency and blockchain technology, as these solutions belong to everybody in the world who wants to embrace them. But some people have started to look beyond open source, and the term Open Execution is starting to pop up more often. But what does this new term even mean, and how does it relate to open source?

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According to a recent Linkedin post by Jason Carver, open source standards are no longer sufficient. In fact, he even goes as far as referring to open source as “guaranteeing trust and freedom, until it is run as a service”. Moreover, there is a lot of trust where open source projects are concerned, as the community is an active part of auditing and improving the code.

In the world of Bitcoin and digital currency, open source allows for accelerated innovation. Although certain developers are handling the brunt of the workload, community input is valued and taken into account in most cases. This gives the developers enough maneuvering room to make code changes as they see fit, without being tied to a board of advisors or a handful of investors.

On paper, the concept of open source sounds like it should be the future of all software development. To a certain extent, that statement would be true, was it not for open source projects losing their “trust” attributes when converted to [online] services. Losing the trustless part of open source development puts developer sin an awkward position, as they can’t build on top of those platforms as freely as they would when improving the foundation of a new open source project.

Luckily, there seems to be a solution on […]

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