Phishing Attacks Targetting on the Rise, Reports OpenDNS

By June 25, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin has become the most valued financial instrument as it continues to put up a strong performance while other major currencies and markets are registering a slump following the Brexit results. As the value of the digital currency continues to increase, so are the number of phishing scams run by cybercriminals looking for ways to make a quick buck.

In a recent blog post , the OpenDNS Security Labs has reported an increase in the number of phishing attempts, targeted towards bitcoin wallet users. These phishing campaigns involve criminals hosting fake websites that are similar to the genuine ones with the intention of defrauding the users. By directing traffic to the fake website, they hope for unsuspecting users to leave their login credentials on the phishing site. The login credentials will then be used to gain control of their accounts at a later time.

The most recent target of phishing attacks is the leading bitcoin wallet service provider OpenDNS reports that the first case of phishing attempt was noticed by Cyren , a cloud-based internet security solutions company. Cyren (NASDAQ: CYRN) detected mimicking the site and the phishing page was being promoted on Google AdWords to drive traffic to the page. Whenever somebody searched for ‘blockchain’ the sponsored result linking to used to appear on the top. Any unsuspecting user would have blindly clicked on the top link to find themselves on a fake site.

The NLPRank model used by OpenDNS to detect phishing attacks is said to have detected other domains and on the 9th and 13th of June 2016 respectively. Both the domains were found to be hosted on the same IP – belonging to an offshore bulletproof hosting service provider formerly known as Ecatel . OpenDNS has published a list of domains […]

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