How Governments Subsidize Bitcoin’s Usefulness and the Bitcoin Price

By June 30, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin Core contributor, Peter Todd , was recently interviewed on Bitcoin Uncensored by co-hosts Chris DeRose and Joshua Unseth . Ethereum , The DAO , private blockchains and many other topics were discussed but DeRose turned the conversation toward an often-discussed concept (at least on Bitcoin Uncensored ) near the end of the show: The idea that governments essentially subsidize the usefulness of Bitcoin and the bitcoin price through their various regulations.

Bitcoin Fulfills a Need in the Market

There are many types of applications that people want to build with blockchain technology but only a minor fraction of these projects have found any use in the real world. While there are plenty of techno-geeks who think it’s cool to play around with various cryptocurrencies and blockchain-related projects, Bitcoin seems to be the only blockchain system that has seen use outside of those who are tech-savvy.

“We see that a lot of the people that are using Bitcoin ( locally and looking at the exchanges) are using Bitcoin because they need to use it,” DeRose said. “They have to use it because they can’t use fiat.

“This is what has differentiated Bitcoin from other blockchain projects, in that Bitcoin fulfills a need,” DeRose added.

Some areas where Bitcoin is truly needed include online gambling and darknet marketplaces . These sorts of use cases also fuel the view of Bitcoin as a digital gold .

Fungibility a Huge Part of This Need

When it comes to the situations where Bitcoin is needed, fungibility plays a huge role. DeRose referred to this use case as “the ability to convert value into anonymous value.”When asked about the importance of fungibility in Bitcoin, Todd said, “Yeah, I think that’s Bitcoin’s main use case there. If you didn’t have that as a need, you could just go […]

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