Monthly Archives

June 2016

The Space between Blockchain & "The Blockchain"Bitcoin Business

The Space between Blockchain & “The Blockchain”

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a center right, liberal conservative German paper founded in 1949, recently wrote a long article about the catchword after Bitcoin: the Blockchain. Or, as the article sometimes puts it, “the Blockchain.” The article at many points takes on a sarcastic tone, poking…
June 4, 2016
Startup Step-By-Step: The BattleBitcoin Business

Startup Step-By-Step: The Battle

Every battle is won before it is fought. This bit of pop wisdom, brought down to us from Sun Tzu and countless motivational speakers, is the koan for a generation of can-do entrepreneurs. But there is another version of this line, one that is less…
June 3, 2016
PayPal could be a threat to major banksBitcoin Business

PayPal could be a threat to major banks

BII This story was delivered to BI Intelligence " Payments Briefing " subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here . PayPal is not, and likely would never become, a bank in the U.S.But if it did, its customer account balance totals would actually…
June 3, 2016
Bitcoin Price Surges But Remains CautiousBitcoin Business

Bitcoin Price Surges But Remains Cautious

Bitcoin price surges higher but remains within the area of the recent correction. Technical analysis looks at levels and confirmation of advance. This analysis is provided by with a 3-hour delay. Read the full analysis here . Not a member? Join now and receive…
June 3, 2016
What If Facebook Became A Payment ServiceBitcoin Business

What If Facebook Became A Payment Service

How could social payments reshape our daily habits? CoinTelegraph speaks to Canadian Bitcoiner Kyle Kemper about the Social Wallet , a nonprofit that hopes to digitize every aspect of services. Kyle Kemper , Social Innovator and Founder, says: “Social payments are a whole new paradigm…
June 3, 2016
Why This Ethereum Co-Founder Isn’t Launching a DAOBitcoin Business

Why This Ethereum Co-Founder Isn’t Launching a DAO

Anthony Di Iorio was a founding member of the team that built Ethereum, a network similar to bitcoin but with a Turing-complete coding language that has jumpstarted a still-nascent ecosystem of decentralized applications.In those early days, the founders already had aspirations to someday convert the…
June 3, 2016

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