Why Blockchain Immutability is a Perpetual Motion Claim

By July 7, 2016Bitcoin Business

Chris DeRose is a journalist, software developer, bi tcoin evangelist, public speaker and lead developer of Drop Zone.

In this feature, DeRose discusses immutability and why he believes excessive marketing has lead to confusion over how blockchain systems can obtain this feature, and whether the feature is even technically possible. Immutability!

It’s the buzzword that magically transforms a simple database into the next milliondollar VC fundraise. However, most of the projects that advertise this feature are not being entirely honest about just what kind of immutability they’re offering. And it’s becoming increasingly clear that nearly all of these claims are at best, hyperbolic.

So what is immutability? Immutability is the feature of a blockchain that persists data forever, free from censorship and despite the disincentives to do so for some period of time. Typically, "forever".

Prior to blockchain, immutability existed in closed systems, through the benevolence of a custodian. After blockchain, or so the thinking goes, such immutability is simply a magical property of blockchains.

But, nothing could be further from the truth. Defining immutability

For most in the bitcoin world, immutability is only available through proof of work. Outside the bitcoin space, others have little apprehension about claiming that their systems are similarly immutable.

But, arguments over energy consumption aside, the truth in the matter is that immutability is rare in all blockchains, bitcoin included.Most blockchains promote a system whereby data is syndicated to all peers participating in the network in what could be called ‘folders’. These folders are cryptography signed by network participants and broadcast to all parties. The marketing literature in the industry would have its readers believe that because these folders are signed, somehow they are required to be kept by all peers thereafter.However, such a mechanism is very analogous to how secure transactions are bundled in existing databases […]

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