Miners Vote Overwhelmingly in Support of Ethereum’s Hardfork

By July 17, 2016Bitcoin Business

In just three days, Ethereum is to undertake the first of its kind hardfork in the digital currency space. With Geth, Parity and Mist all having a hardfork release, all eyes are now on the miners. Ethpool / Ethermine was the first to open the decision to miners with more than 81% voting in support of the hardfork on both pools. Dwarfpool , currently the biggest ethereum miner, followed, with more than 72% supporting the fork.

Peter from Ethpool/Etherminer, speaking to CCN , stated: “[T]esting will start tomorrow and all mining nodes will be upgraded by Tuesday according to the result of the voting. We will also closely monitor the actual fork on Wednesday to be able to react quickly in case of any issues.” Together the pools account for more than 42% of the networks hashrate. They are joined by MiningPoolHub which has decided to support the hardfork based on the voting results of Ethereum holders who overwhelmingly showed support with 87% voting in favor. That brings the total known hashrate in support of the hardfork to around 44-45%.

Coinotron, which controls around 5%, has just opened their pool to miner-voting according to a spokesman from Coinotron who told CCN that they will follow the voting results and switch to the chain chosen by voters. The results currently show 82% in favor, reflecting other pools and Ethereum holders. If this continues, the pro-hardfork hash-share becomes around 50% of the network. At that point, support for the fork by any other pool would be decisive.

In particular, the decision of Nanopool, which controls around 4%, can be conclusive if it is in favor of the fork. They opened the pool to voting for the softfork with the results largely reflecting other voting pools, therefore the same is likely for the hardfork, but […]

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