Trading Teens and Bank Blockchains

By August 24, 2016Bitcoin Business

Kids these days. If you are a teenager who has maybe been running a commodities hedge fund out of your house, and if your marketing materials have maybe not fully complied with the requirements of the National Futures Association, and if an investor who claims that you won’t give him his money back has complained to the NFA, and if the NFA shows up at your house to ask you a few questions, one thing you could do — and I want to be particularly emphatic here that this is not legal advice — is hide : NFA commenced an exam of Nex Capital on June 20, 2016. On that date, the NFA exam team went to the Los Angeles, California address that Nex Capital had listed as its main office address in NFA’s Online Registration System (ORS). When the exam team arrived at this address, they found that it was a residential home. The exam team knocked on the front door of this home but no one answered the door. They’ll come back, though. Keep hiding! Make sure they don’t see you! On June 21, 2016, the exam team again went to the residential home in Los Angeles where it had gone the day before and again there was no answer. However, the exam team noticed someone at the second floor window who appeared to be taking photos or a video of the exam team. But then they’re going to go look for you at your parents’ house: The exam team then went to the address that Nex Capital listed in ORS as the location of its business contacts. This address turned out to be a residential home in Corona, California. A boy answered the door at this address and told the exam team that Wohl did not […]

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