

Bitcoin Politics

Bitcoin In The Trenches of A Global Economic Warfare

There’s a vicious, global economic war raging and its outcome will be determinative for the destiny of humanity, and necessarily, also for Bitcoin.That sounds melodramatic, but it’s true.You don’t have to take my word for it. Warren Buffett, multi-billionaire and fourth richest man in the…
October 30, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Is the Bitcoin ATM the Future of Money?

.Are these Bitcoin ATMs really the future of money? Mike Piri of Bitcoin Agents and MyLocalBitcoinATM.com thinks so."We put it in these places because people pass by them every day, they see it, maybe they'll become curious, maybe they'll buy ten dollars," says Piri, who…
October 30, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

FinCEN’s New Bitcoin Guidelines Actually a Good News

FinCEN’s New Bitcoin Guidelines Actually a Good News ForexMinute.com – The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FInCEN) released new Bitcoin guidelines for Bitcoin exchanges and payment processing companies in the US. The additional rulings stated that such organizations are subjected to fall under the category of…
October 28, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Bitcoin Analysis: Week of Oct 26 (Intro to RSI)

SHA256 ALGORITHM HASHRATE: 285.1 Ph/s Facebook3Twitter52G+1Pinterest reddit Upvote Downvote submit inShare 2 Note from the Author: Please follow me on Twitter ( @Tone_LLT ) for additional updates to the state of Bitcoin’s price volatility Last Week’s Review In last week’s post we concluded with the…
October 28, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Poland’s InPay Lets Crowdfunders Buy Equity With Bitcoin

Poland-based bitcoin payment solutions provider InPay S.A. has launched an equity crowdfunding campaign that makes it possible to buy company stock with bitcoin.The public offering claims to have secured the approval of Poland’s Financial Supervision Authority ( KNF ), the country’s equivalent of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),…
October 28, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

The Bitfilm Festival

Aaron, your project, the Bitfilm Festival , sounds really interesting.  Can you tell me why you started this project? The Bitfilm Festival started in 2000 as a festival about 3D animation and digital effects, then expanded to show films made for mobile screens, films made…
October 25, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Bitcoin Gaining a Foothold in Brazil

SHA256 ALGORITHM HASHRATE: 291.3 Ph/s Many things that can be said about Brazil, but income equality is not one of them. The recent troubles during the World Cup demonstrated that the great majority of the population has been anything but happy at the government’s (mis)management…
October 25, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Is Bitcoin the Red Pill? Unplugging the Matrix.

Is Bitcoin the Red Pill? Unplugging the Matrix. The premier decentralized digital currency Bitcoin has gained widespread mainstream attention over the last year. While many are embracing this new peer-to-peer payment system, others have voiced strong suspicion and offer stinging criticism. The divergence of opinion…
October 24, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Ecuador’s National Digital Currency Experiment Explained

Ecuador’s National Digital Currency Experiment Explained FacebookTwitter27G+3Pinterest reddit Upvote Downvote 1 point inShare 2The tiny South American nation of Ecuador has begun its experiment with virtual currencies. The government announced earlier this year that they would be creating a government backed virtual currency in as…
October 23, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

An Interview with Roger Gabriel of bitINKA

An Interview with Roger Gabriel of bitINKA Roger Gabriel has four years of experience working in a financial division of IBM in Argentina and 5 years working on e-commerce businesses. He is launching a Bitcoin trading platform that is easy enough for anyone in South…
October 23, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Bitcoin Regulation In Japan

Different governments have taken different stances on Bitcoin. For example, Bangladesh has outlawed it and Germany considers it “private money.”Within the US, different states have different standpoints, as each state possesses respective laws.Japan has decided to take an interesting stance on it.Mt Gox, which was…
October 23, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Bitcoin: US’ Next Unwinnable War? (Op-Ed)

Bitcoin: US’ Next Unwinnable War? (Op-Ed) FacebookTwitter36G+2Pinterest reddit Upvote Downvote 1 point inShare 2 Will Hammer is the Libertarian Party candidate for the 6th Congressional district in Virginia . He is currently running against an 11 term incumbent Republican with no Democrat in the race.…
October 21, 2014

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