

Bitcoin Politics

Dutch Scrypt Mining Company Declared Bankrupt

Mining ASIC Technologies Mining ASICs Technologies (MAT) was declared bankrupt by a Maastricht, Netherlands, judge on 30th December, one week after company CEO Marc Coumans filed for bankruptcy.CoinDesk confirmed MAT's filing with Mr CFMP Spreksel, the curator in charge of overseeing the management and liquidation of…
January 9, 2015
Bitcoin Politics

CDC to Discuss Banking Service Issues with US Treasury

ForexMinute.com – In response to US Treasury Department’s invitation for a roundtable discussion on Financial Access for Money Services Businesses (MSB) next week, the Chamber of Digital Commerce recently formed Financial Access Task Force – a team that will highlight the banking accessibility issues faced…
January 7, 2015
Bitcoin Politics

Bitcoin Review 2014 Part I: Price and Commerical Activity

Bitcoin Review 2014 Part I: Price and Commerical Activity CoinTelegraph has put together a research report on Bitcoin’s journey through 2014. This year has seen many unprecedented events in cryptocurrency, and we’d like to highlight the main ones for readers.The report contains infographics, summary text…
December 27, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

HSBC & Goldman Sachs Under Fire Again

A new attack on the predations of the financial industry was announced by Bloomberg  on Wednesday morning with the revelation of a lawsuit alleging that both HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA) and  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) had jointly engaged in price manipulation of the precious…
November 29, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

4 New Bitcoin Startups Showcase at DEMO Fall 2014

Day three of the DEMO Fall 2014 conference in California featured a bitcoin and FinTech track that saw four new bitcoin startups debut their products.Now in its 24th year,  DEMO  stages conferences in the United States, China, Brazil, Russia and Vietnam that focus on emerging technologies and new…
November 21, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Finland Classifies Bitcoin as VAT-Exempt Financial Service

Finland flag shutterstock Finnish regulators have classified bitcoin as a financial service, thus granting it VAT-exempt status.The Finnish Central Board of Taxes (CBT) judged bitcoin to be a financial service in ruling 034/2014, which states that bitcoin purchases qualify as “banking services” under the EU Value Added…
November 21, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Butterfly Labs vs. Robogate: A Revealing Case Study in Justice

SHA256 ALGORITHM HASHRATE: 338.7 Ph/s Facebook1Twitter20G+2Pinterest reddit Upvote Downvote 1 point inShare 1As happens in all brand-spanking-new industries, the first actors who come to market aren’t vetted yet. The vast majority of merchants in the cryptocurrency space don’t have lengthy records of successful service—in fact,…
November 1, 2014

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