

Bitcoin Entertainment

Keeping Score at the 2014 Bitcoin Bowl

Bitcoin bowl By Chris DeRoseThe Bitcoin bowl was an explosion of hype, confidence, and unbridled optimism. It was a wonderful success for Bitcoin, and an amazing moment in our movement. Many articles have already been written in the short time since the Bitcoin bowl has…
January 6, 2015
Bitcoin Entertainment

Bitreserve Lawsuit Rumor Untrue

CoinTelegraph can reveal that reports of Bitreserve facing a trademark lawsuit because of its use of the name “Bitgold” are unfounded.A recent article in Altcoin Press suggested that Nick Szabo, who supposedly trademarked the name “Bitgold”, could bring a lawsuit against the digital money service.The…
January 6, 2015
Bitcoin Entertainment

Настройка Cudaminer Кудамайнер для cointellect Коинтеллект Dogecoin,Bitcoin,Евро

Cudaminer http://igonkin.biz/minerss/ БЕСПЛАТНАЯ РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ: http://cointellect.com/?code=87bd52a3 Код пригласившего должен быть 87bd52a3 Если хром не открывает, то заходите с другого браузера Предупреждение: не разрешено регистрировать несколько учетных записей на один IP-адрес! Вывод в евро на PayPal Как вывести заработанные средства через биржу на другие виды https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INqv1 ...…
January 5, 2015
Bitcoin Entertainment

Altcoins Dropping Off Coin-Swap in Boycott Against GAW Miners

Litecoin, Dogecoin, Blackcoin and Neoscoin requested to be delisted from Coin-Swap. The move follows the recent announcement of Josh Garza's Paybase’s acquisition of the cryptocurrency exchange.On January 2, the four altcoins respectively dropped off the cryptocurrency exchange and requested Coin-Swap remove Litecoin, Dogecoin, Blackcoin and…
January 5, 2015
Bitcoin Entertainment

LazyCoins Launches… Again

Altcoin exchange LazyCoins is re-launching with a new mobile payments and merchant services app.In a growing world of digital currency, LazyCoins is looking to compete with the likes of bitcoin conglomerate BitPay and fight for its place in the virtual payments universe.Founder Danial Daychopan commented…
January 5, 2015
Bitcoin Entertainment

Bitstamp: an update

Related Articles A little earlier on today one of our reporters – Yashu Gola – published this piece outlining the suspected RNG attack on, and the resulting service halt, of leading bitcoin exchange platform BitStamp. While the exact details surrounding the attack – along with…
January 5, 2015

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