

Bitcoin Politics

Bitcoin Analysis: Week of Oct 19 (Intro to MACD)

Bitcoin Analysis: Week of Oct 19 (Intro to MACD) Last Week’s Review In last week’s post we concluded with the following statement: “Our overall stance is now Long-Term Neutral (still have the issue of not enough new users), Intermediate-Term very slightly Bearish with lots of…
October 20, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Bitcoin… We Are All The Blockchain

Bitcoin… we are all the blockchain Since the first great jump in Bitcoin’s exchange rate in early April 2013, speculative trade has stolen the limelight as the main Bitcoin story. Tweets of “To the moon!” echo like a rallying cry, selling what amounts to a…
October 20, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

On track: Bitnation CEO Rides Out Storm to Focus on Future

On track: Bitnation CEO Rides Out Storm to Focus on Future FacebookTwitter80G+1Pinterest reddit Upvote Downvote submit inShare 2Blockchain governance system Bitnation came under the spotlight this week when its crowdsale was unexpectedly postponed. Its vending partner, concerned about a negative reaction from Australian policy makers,…
October 18, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Crowdfunding Platform Swarm Announces First Class of Startups

Decentralized crowdfunding startup Swarm has announced the first class of businesses that will feature on its bitcoin-powered platform.The crowdfunding platform’s application process saw a number of groups submit applications, with a select few advancing to the video presentation stage. Entrepreneurs hoping to take part in the initiative…
October 18, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Why Brazil’s Bitcoin Market is Struggling to Ignite

For better or worse, the story of bitcoin in Brazil begins with Leandro César Marciano.An IT consultant from Belo Horizonte, Marciano founded and later sold the country’s largest bitcoin exchange Mercado Bitcoin following an alleged security breach, and launched Bitcoin Rain, an investment scheme suspended…
October 18, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

Bitcoin, Going Native

We all know that bitcoin is decentralized electronic money that runs on a network that can do all kinds of interesting things. The key question is, what can you do with bitcoin that you can’t do with anything else? What does it mean when bitcoin…
October 18, 2014
Bitcoin Politics

First Dedicated Crypto Expert Calling Service Launches Today

First Dedicated Crypto Expert Calling Service Launches Today Digital asset developer MintCombine has launched its sponsored expert access service for cryptocurrency – starting today, access to some of the leading lights in the field is available for anyone.The service, Beyond Bitcoin Expert Calling Network (BBECN),…
October 16, 2014

All Today's Crypto News In One Place