The EU Iron Fist to Hit Bitcoin and Other Digital Payments

By July 8, 2016Bitcoin Business

Triggered by the Paris and Brussels attacks, the proposed EU directive seeks to introduce stricter rules on the use of virtual currencies and prepaid cards.

How will this affect Bitcoin and digital payments in general? CoinTelegraph spoke to Siân Jones, Founder of European Digital Currency and Blockchain Technology Forum , about the proposal and its possible outcomes. Anti-Money Laundering Directive

As Siân Jones told us, EU officials had been working on the new law since February, talking with virtual currency and prepaid card stakeholders and others, to draft the proposed new directive amending the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive.

The primary driver behind the proposals has been to remove anonymity from payments in order to combat terrorist financing, action triggered by the Paris (and later Brussels) attacks. At present, they are just proposals for a new directive.

However, the proposals are very likely to be adopted by the European Council and European Parliament (become law). The directive then has to be harmonised into national legislation in the 28 member states. However, the European Commission is pushing for harmonisation of the 4th AMLD to be completed by 1 Jan 2017.

Dmitry Lazarichev , Founder at Wirex Ltd, notes: “No doubt, fraud and money laundering should be reduced. However, there should be an appropriate balance to be sure that it’s not harmful for innocent people. Therefore, the question is if there is a proven link between anonymous transactions and the level of illegal activities. The current maximum limit for anonymous transactions of EUR2,000 does not look too high as people are allowed to have more in cash when crossing country borders.” Effect on Bitcoin

The Committee proposal will not affect the personal wallets or the use of Bitcoin. It constitutes the first initiative to apply the plan of action drafted in February in order to […]

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