Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin Startup Company Helps Muslims Get Loans

Blossom Finance, a bitcoin startup, helps Muslims get loans that are compliant with Islamic law Muslims are prohibited from trading through interest-based markets or companies Islamic law prohibits Muslims from trading through interest-based markets or companies. However, there is still a need for some to…
June 19, 2015
Bitcoin Business

Canadian Senate Says No to Regulating Digital Currencies

The Canadian Senate’s Banking, Trade and Commerce (BTC) committee released its final report Friday asking the federal government to use a “light touch” in dealing with digital currencies.“We’ve heard, and we agree, that blockchain technology is at a delicate stage in its development and use,”…
June 19, 2015
Bitcoin Business

Commentary: Bitcoin Adoption in the United Kingdom

This is a guest post by George Basiladze of Following mentions of U.K. chancellor George Osborne’s desire to make Britain a Bitcoin Capital last year and proposing a government investigation into the potential of the cryptocurrency and related technology, 2015 would appear to be…
June 19, 2015

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