Dragons.tl Ensures Instant Bitcoin Withdrawals and Deposits

By December 22, 2015Bitcoin Business

Renowned and reputed Bitcoin gaming platform Dragons.tl has ensured a smooth transaction experience to its player-base. The casino, according to its creator Andrew Tepper, brings one of the easiest methods of depositing and withdrawing funds. While the players’ accounts are always compatible with accepting and dispatching amounts in Bitcoin, it also enables credit card-based cash-outs and buy-ins.

The alternative method is specifically created to suit players that are not familiar with the ways Bitcoin functions. Dragons.tl — therefore — simply acts as a mediator while cashing in and cashing out credit card payments for Bitcoins. This further reflects the casino’s seriousness about protecting players from online frauds, as it has dutifully installed reliable fraud detection protocols to detect and deter security breaches.

But being a dedicated Bitcoin-centric model, Dragons.tl openly asks players to use the digital currency as their primary method of depositing and withdrawing funds, while believing other methods to be costlier and slower. The casino has also introduced a specific section on their website to explain the ins-and-outs of Bitcoin.

“We have to pay the credit card gateway their fees (about 3.5% cashing in and 3.5% cashing out), buying Bitcoins on your behalf (1%) and then selling them (1%),” said Tepper. “We also set aside 3% for credit card fraud.”

The man further reminded players operation through a non-UK MasterCard would have to pay 20 EUR more to get their winnings to their accounts. He, however, promised that this fees will be waived for Dragons.tl’s best players.

About Dragons.tl:

Dragon’s Tale is unlike any other online casino game in the market. So there might be a learning curve for those not used to navigating an MMORPG. Since Dragon’s Tale is an immensely social game, simply asking other players or taking on a mentor, might help guide you to the answer faster.

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