21 Inc. Introduces Direct Sales and Private Purchases of Its Bitcoin Computer

By January 15, 2016Bitcoin Business

To follow along with its goal to put “a bitcoin miner in every device and in every hand,” 21 Inc. announced on Thursday that customers could now purchase the 21 Bitcoin Computer on its website with bitcoin.

When a user adds the Bitcoin Computer to his or her cart, they can opt to select “Make Shipping Private,” which gives the user the ability to have the package delivered to a post office box rather than their home address. This ends the need for the user to give his name, though the company admits its need to collect an email address. Further, by paying with bitcoin, the user can keep the transaction nearly private.

“I think we need to move towards a more private Internet over time. It’s not going to happen in one step. Usability is important, and I’m a pragmatist. But if we keep taking steps in the right direction, we can build something better than today,” said Balaji S. Srinivasan, founder and CEO of 21 Inc., in an interview with Bitcoin Magazine talking about the announcement.

The 21 Bitcoin Computer is a development tool to allow developers the ability to create Bitcoin-payable apps, services and devices. The idea is that the hardware mines for bitcoin and then uses those mined bitcoin to do things.

For example, if someone were to build a search engine, rather than flooding the browser with ads, that person could charge 10 bits for a search. By going through the 21 Bitcoin Computer, it would allow for these sorts of apps to be built and for the transactions to be verified.

In its announcement, the founders of 21 said, “our long-term goal is to gradually replace advertising with micropayments from mined bitcoin, to build an Internet where you pay with your power rather than your privacy.”

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