Daily Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Growing Slowly But Confidently

By January 22, 2016Bitcoin Business

On Thursday, Bitcoin price was moving up but could not overcome $420. Today during the Asian trading session Bitcoin dropped to $400, which can be regarded as a technical rebound after the recent price rally.

The fall in Asian markets on Wednesday, January 20 2016 was transferred onto world stock markets. Stocks of France , Germany , Belgium, Italy and Spain fell by 3-5%. The US Dow Jones fell by 1.56%, NASDAQ 0.12%.

As can be seen from the beginning of this year there are active sales of the world’s raw materials stocks. However, investors are in no hurry to buy these stocks, hoping that eventually they will drop even further. Considering this, investors try to keep the currency for desired time. So what will happen to the price of BitcoinCT r: 8 ? When will it resumes its growth? Will the fall in world markets affect Bitcoin? We asked these questions to our experts and received the following answers: “There will be a lot of speculative cash looking for a new home as investors liquidate property, stocks, commodities and other asset classes as we head into a deflationary environment. Investors will flight to the safety of cash and bonds . There is only one currency that that will work if the financial system gets as bad as many are forecasting and that is Bitcoin. I expect a lot of new investors and speculators to come in and support on upward pressure on Bitcoin price this year. Now Oil and stocks are crashing, we are starting to see Bitcoin support grow.” “I don’t want to claim I’m a fully-fledged quant but I do know a thing or two about covariance and it seems absurd to say that a thing with a few billion market cap. is going to correlate to volatility […]

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