Tony Robbins : Governments Can’t Control Bitcoin

By February 21, 2016Bitcoin Business

Money is the driving force of life in today’s world. Those who do not agree and say money can’t buy everything, it is time for them to revisit the age-old psychological theory established by Abraham Maslow . The Maslow’s pyramid, also known as Maslow’s hierarchy shows the fundamental needs of humans and how it will contribute towards their self-actualization. One look at the pyramid is all it takes to realize that without money, there is no way one can satisfy any of the needs. The most basic needs – food, clothing and shelter don’t come free either. With money playing an important part in everyone’s life, the monetary systems have become the backbones of human civilization. All the established monetary systems are controlled by the governments and central banks. It means the governments and banks have a say on what one can and cannot do with their life – just by deciding when to turn on/off the tap (flow of money).

Governments aren’t gods and they are prone to bad decisions resulting from greed, neglect, lack of understanding, oversight or unforeseen circumstances which may prove very costly to individuals. At the same time, they can also target individuals by controlling their finances (tracking expenses, freezing bank accounts etc.). In order to prevent oneself from being easily manipulated, people should also start using alternative financial systems which are not directly connected with the country’s banking and monetary system. Even Tony Robbins, the well-known motivational speaker and personal finance instructor also agrees with it.

There are currently two ways to invest and safeguard one’s funds. These alternatives to conventional monetary systems are gold and bitcoin. People have been investing in Gold for a long time. going back in history, gold by itself used to be a currency before fiat currency replaced it. Even […]

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