GCC Blockchain Technology Seminars Announced

By February 22, 2016Bitcoin Business

Following the recent announcement by The Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation about the formation of the Global Blockchain Council, Blockchange Consulting are pleased to announce a series of one day seminars across the GCC region.

Each of these seminars will provide an introduction to Digital Currencies and the underlying Blockchain Technology, how the technology will reshape the future of banking and financial services, and showcase what banks and financial institutions around the world are already doing with the technology.

The seminar series kicks off in Dubai on Tuesday 10 th May, 2016, followed by Abu Dhabi on Wednesday 11 th May, 2016, Doha on Tuesday 17 th May, 2016, and finishing up in Bahrain on Thursday 19 th May 2016. Registrations can be made at http://www.Blockchanges.com

Blockchain Technology is widely regarded as one of the most significant technological innovations since the creation of the Internet, and has the potential to completely revolutionise banking and financial services. A Blockchain is essentially a decentralised distributed ledger that operates on a peer-to-peer network which cannot be altered or changed by any individual, business, or government, providing unparalleled levels of transparency and security. The Blockchain is at the heart of many of the world’s digital currencies (such as Bitcoin), but its potential applications are truly endless.

Digital Currencies and Blockchain technology could be described as disruptive technologies as they are forcing the world of banking and financial services to evolve much like Napster did to force the music industry to evolve.

The creation of the Global Blockchain Council by the Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation represents a significant landmark, not only for the technology, but for businesses operating in the region.

Stef van Leijden, Director of Business Development for Blockchange DMCC said "it is vital that banking and financial services businesses in the region understand the […]

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