Sony Develops Blockchain Tech for the Education System

By February 22, 2016Bitcoin Business

Sony is looking to leverage blockchain and its secure properties by developing a blockchain-based technology that establishes secure open sharing of academic proficiency and progress records through encrypted transmission.

Sony Global Education (Sony GE), a company with the vision to offer new innovative educational services to people around the world has today announced the development of a blockchain-based technology for the educational system.

The technology looks to usher in a new educational infrastructure system that will enable the sharing of academic records over a distributed ledger “in a number of ways.”

In a press release , Sony explained the potential application(s) of the technology, stating: For example, after taking an examination to demonstrate his or her academic proficiency level, an individual could direct the testing organization to share the test results with one or more third-party evaluating organizations. This would be a first, if implemented on a system-wide basis. Blockchain Technology Beyond Bitcoin and Finance

Sony GE notes that blockchain is most popularly known as the technology that powers bitcoin and also references the growing number of bitcoin exchange platforms as a testament to the potential of the technology.

The Japanese company claims blockchain holds promise for applications beyond the realm of finance with secure properties that enable participants to freely and securely share information without the need for an established trust between the relevant parties.

With the advent of its newly developed technology, Sony GE believes that new educational services will come to the fore in the future. This will stem from the diversification of the ways in which tests are designed and individuals are evaluated by different organizations, the company explains. With this infrastructure in place, each evaluating organization sent an individual’s testing records could assess those results and calculate a score in a way that fits its own methods. Sony […]

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