How Bitcoin Disrupts Telecommunications?

By February 28, 2016Bitcoin Business

Apparently, the Blockchain may disrupt not only the financial sector but interfere with telecommunications as well. Most of the Bitcoin ecosystems are looking at the financial sector but they have not realized that it will be telecommunications that will take the lead from 2020 onwards.

Searching how the Blockchain might influence this sector, Cointelegraph has interviewed Blockchain developers Jonathan Nelson and Derrick Smith, telecommunication experts Lee Gibson Grant, and businessman Stephen Rowlison. Interview of Mr. Jonathan Nelson (developer)

CoinTelegraph reached out to Mr. Jonathan Nelson who is a well-known developer in the world of bitcoinCT r: 8 through his work at Butterfly Labs . Asking him the hard questions:

CT: Are mobile operators in an ideal position to embrace the blockchain technology?

J.N: The app developer will be the implementers. Traditional client based app are decentralized. This becomes ideal for Blockchain applications . APIs are being created to handle PKEY identities. Mobile operators do not care and will end up getting left behind by mesh networks. Monopolies are in danger like Comcast and AT&T.

CT: What steps should mobile operators undertake?

J.N: APIs are needed to handle PKEY identities.

CT: Since any government wants to monitor mobile phones, could the blockchain be an advantage to the customer who wants more privacy and security? J.N: Yes, PKEY tech will help, MESH networks need to be implemented for privacy. MESH networks need to advance to increase bandwidth.There is no incentive for cell network providers to increase speed. Mesh Networks will also reduce costs.The vision is that people will be able to buy a mini cell tower and join the network for free. They can also be the ISP for their neighbors to recover the costs. I could see a mid-range unit costing 3k. The ROI could be as soon […]

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