Coinbase Launches Debit Card Payments for Bitcoin in USA

By March 3, 2016Bitcoin Business

Coinbase , the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world, has launched debit card payments in the US. The debit and credit card payments were already available to Coinbase’s European customers.

CoinbaseCT r: 2 released the following statement on its website, saying that from the March 1, Coinbase users in the US will be able to buy BitcoinCT r: 8 via their debit cards: “Today we’re launching a new Coinbase product (in beta) to users in the United States: Buy bitcoin instantly with debit cards . Since there are over 5.2B debit cards in circulation , we’re confident this capability will make it significantly easier both for new users to get their first bitcoin, and for existing users to get bitcoin quickly. Note that we are launching this feature to 1% of U.S. customers today, and plan to roll it out slowly to 100% over the coming months. Users with this feature enabled can add a debit card by going to the payment methods page on, or through the payment method option under settings in our iOS and Android apps . Once a debit card has been added, users can then go to the buy page, and instantly buy bitcoin. If you don’t yet have a Coinbase account, sign up here , and we’ll notify you via email as soon as this product is available for you.” Mixed feelings

The Bitcoin subreddit, /r/Bitcoin , has always had mixed feelings with regards to Coinbase, but the general consensus among the community is that this is a positive development.

Reddit user, /u/BIGbtc_Integration, said, “Great stuff. Makin’ it easy to buy bitcoin”, a sentiment largely shared by other users.

However, others have their qualms about using debit cards to buy Bitcoin, with /u/dlerium saying: “Buying on debit is always risky from the consumer perspective […]

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