Bitcoin is Better Option than Helicopter Money for Australia

By March 4, 2016Bitcoin Business

The financial system we know and use today is not broken, according to financial experts and governments. At the same time, central banks are wielding so much power, and governments are next to powerless when a decision needs to be made. To make matters even worse, the Australian Central Bank is considering to print even more money to help boost the local economy. But printing this helicopter money is not helping anyone in the long, and Australians should start reconsidering their options.

Also read: Cabinet of Japan Greenlights Bitcoin As Payment Method Helicopter Money Will Not Save Central Banks

There is no such thing in the world as having the opportunity to create value out of thin air. Or to be more precise, that is not possible unless one is a central bank in any country in the world, as they can seemingly keep printing additional money without any repercussions. However, that scenario might be coming to a halt soon in Australia, as helicopter money will not save the central bank from what is coming their way.

What makes the appeal of helicopter money so impressive is how the distribution of funds doesn’t matter at all. Just the fact this new funding is there with a supposed value – although there is no currency backing to speak of – is a disgrace in its own right. However, there is a benefit to this practice as well, as the government would not need to borrow the money or levy higher taxes on the population.

While that may sound like a great way to solve things on paper, we do not live in a fantasy world where these types of solutions are designed to solve problems. In fact, central banks have become rather complacent and think that helicopter money is the […]

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