Gavin Andersen: Bitcoin Network is Increasingly Unreliable

By March 9, 2016Bitcoin Business

Since attending the invite-only Satoshi Roundtable last week, Gavin Andresen , the Chief Scientist of the Bitcoin Foundation has offered some reflection on the happenings on his blog .

As is to be expected, Andresen mainly focused on the main subject of the weekend, which was the very hot topic of increasing the Bitcoin block size to 2MB. The issue has been contentious in both public and private forums for many months and leading up to recent issues with Bitcoin transaction delays and some very bad press about Bitcoin as a whole. Many hoped that what would result from the roundtable is the leaders being a step closer to a consensus on a good short and long term strategy is from best and brightest minds within the Bitcoin community.

Due to the nature of the discussions, which were under the “Chatham House Rule,” no names, identities or affiliations can be disclosed by the attendees, however a full list of who attended can be found on the event’s website . It’s surprisingly fair and diplomatic on both sides, probably in the interest of preserving relatively civil discussions around this matter, that anonymity in these talks could be achieved. It’s also well in like with the ethos that much of Bitcoin is all about.

Andresen mentioned how there was a relatively small amount of people at this “roundtable,” approximately 75 in total. Of that number, only about 30% of them represented in favor of the “ Hong Kong Compromise ” from a few weeks ago where Segregated Witness and the longer-term hard fork would be achieved past 2017. The rest of the group was in favor of the immediate block size increase proposed by the hard fork of Bitcoin Classic.

The post goes on to talk about how if the block size isn’t immediately […]

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