Can BitTeaser’s Blockchain Ad Network Disrupt ‘Pay-Per-Click’ Market?

By March 14, 2016Bitcoin Business

Advertising is big business and as increasing activity moves online, so too do the marketing dollars. While 2015 saw an estimated $170.5 billion (bn) spent on online advertising globally, this figure is projected to mushroom almost 50% by 2018 to $252bn. But can anyone apart from the big guys snap up a slice of this lucrative business and leverage the Internet of Things to achieve it?

Until recently only the big players were able to get into it. Software though has made it possible for some webmasters to serve adverts and generate revenues based on their own traffic. Yet profiting from the advertising sector more broadly was a complex undertaking out of reach to the ordinary punter and investor.

Now to solve the problem, a group of future tech innovators from Denmark and the US have used the power of ‘peer-to-peer’ platforms to throw the doors open to everyone. Effectively they are offering anyone who wants it a piece of a pie that isn’t getting smaller any time soon.

BitTeaser , an advertising network that combines advanced blockchain technology and a fresh market approach that launched in January 2015, is one venture being touted by its creators as the “evolution of online marketing”. The innovators behind it have high hopes that it will pave the way to the next stage of advertising.

That said, it could well be a bit of a David and Goliath struggle for the new boys on the block versus the likes of Google GOOGL +0.71% ’s AdSense, which has been used by almost two million users for blogs and websites. The service is a major income contributor for Google.

Indeed, just go back to earnings from AdSense in Q3 2012 and they amounted to a not inconsiderable $3.13bn, or 27% of Google’s revenue. Fast forward to this January […]

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