Consumers Will One Day Care If Their Bank Uses Blockchain

By March 14, 2016Bitcoin Business

An assumption popular now in the blockchain space reads that consumers are not interested in blockchain technology and how it works. As this notion has been internalized, product developers and Bitcoin theoreticians have parroted this. But what if it is simply untrue?

Many Bitcoiners have made this fateful potentially false conclusion. Just this past November, Brock Pierce claimed consumers do not care about Bitcoin . Perhaps consumers do care about where their products come from. That sentiment is highlighted in the popular show Portlandia, when the show’s protaganists ask about the life story of the free range chicken they’re about to eat. As Pierce said about Bitcoin: “[Also], the things where [Bitcoin] is buried where — you know, we love a company we just invested in called Abra where they’re using Bitcoin, but they’re not telling that to the consumers because a consumer just needs to get money from here to the Philippines. They don’t care how it gets there; they just want to know that it’s going to get there, it’s going to get there faster, it’s going to get there cheaper, and that they’re dealing with a reliable or credible service.” Many technocrats, such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, have written about the political awakening of people all over the world; that is, whereas in the past people did not care about the political processes of which they were apart, today they do care, and they are making themselves aware of the issues facing humanity today.

This political awakening could very likely predate a consumer mentality that does, in fact, care about the products used even more so than today. That means, millennial consumers today and tomorrow could think twice about the fintech products they use. As Brzezinski wrote in The New York Times : “For the first time in […]

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