Eris Industries and Ledger Partners for a Secure Blockchain

By March 20, 2016Bitcoin Business

Ledger, the bitcoin security company known for its hardware wallet is collaborating with Eris Industries. A recent release by Eris Industries announces that the company has chosen Ledger to be its blockchain hardware security partner.

Ledger is a young French startup which opened its doors in the month of January last year. The company has achieved a great deal in a short span of time. The well-known Ledger smart card bitcoin hardware wallet is just a part of what the company really does. The company currently offers three different hardware wallet variants along with hardware blockchain security solutions to enterprises. Ledger’s Blockchain Open Ledger Operating System (BOLOS) offers a platform for developers to easily build ‘source code portable native applications’ with additional core security to protect the applications. The Trusted Execution Environment and Hardware Security Module solutions are some of the Enterprise solutions offered by this blockchain security company.

The companies track record with its consumer and enterprise solutions has made it the company of choice when it comes to blockchain hardware security. Eris Industries, a London-based Blockchain services company has been in the news recently for its role as one of the technology providers for the most well-known and much-awaited blockchain project for the banking sector.

Eris Industries is the provider of the commercial paper prototype system for almost all the banks that are currently part of the blockchain consortium. The blockchain consortium has about 43 international banks working together with R3CEV and other blockchain companies like Eris Industries to create a blockchain based inter-banking network which can be used to transfer funds between branches in a much faster and economical way than the existing SWIFT network.

In a statement, the CEO of Eris Industries – Casey Kuhlman has said that the Ledger’s BOLOS platform is very important to fill various […]

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