Lisk Raises Over 5.7 Million USD in 2nd Most Successful Crypto-Currency Crowd-Fund to Date

By March 24, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin Press Release: Lisk raises over 14,000 BTC (approx. 5.7 Million USD). Placing the Lisk ICO as the second most successful crypto-currency crowd-fund to date, and within the top 20 highest funded crowd-funds world-wide .

Aachen, Germany – Lisk, the decentralized application and custom blockchain platform has successfully finished its crowd-fund and raised over $5,700,000 (14,000 BTC). Lisk functions as an alternative to other decentralized application platforms: due to the simplicity of the platform and its use of JavaScript, programmers will be able to develop their own dapps rapidly and easily. The launch of the Lisk platform is estimated to be on the 11th April.

The Lisk team is working together with Microsoft to bring the Lisk decentralized application platform to the Azure cloud. As a first step Microsoft Azure has officially integrated Lisk into its Azure Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) program – meaning developers worldwide can develop, test, and deploy Lisk decentralized applications using Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform and infrastructure.

Additionally, Lisk is in a strategic partnership with the research lab Chain of Things which investigates whether blockchain technology can be effective in establishing security in the Internet of Things. The aim being for the CoT Research Lab to test the feasibility of blockchain based Internet of Things applications on a global scale.

Lisk is actively seeking out developers who can develop JavaScript based decentralized applications with the Lisk SDK. A few weeks ago the Lisk team organized a ‘Best Dapp Ideas’ contest where anyone could submit Dapp ideas that can be build with the Lisk platform. The winners of this contest were announced last week, among them the decentralized trust platform called Dust .

Developers can access the Lisk documentation and start developing decentralized applications in JavaScript today. The Lisk community already came up with over 40 ideas for […]

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