Open Source CopperheadOS Project Accepts Bitcoin Donations

By March 30, 2016Bitcoin Business

There is no denying the Android operating system could use a fair amount of tweaks to make things far more secure for its users. Whether or not CopperheadOS will be the answer, remains to be seen, but the ecosystem has a few things going for it. What is even more interesting is how this collaboration with Guardian Project and F-Droid is accepting Bitcoin donations to fund development as well.

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At its very core, CopperheadOS is the Android operating system, but without any bloatware or tools, average people would not require. But there is more, as the end goal is to form a solution that can be verifiably trusted along the way, starting at the OS, all the way to the network services and the app stores. Some people might see this as creating the “Apple of Android”, but there are a few differences as well.

First of all, the plan is to make CopperheadOS as affordable as possible, and crowdfunding will come into the picture at some point. Moreover, there are also plans for dedicated hardware solutions, which will be made possible thanks to the partnership with Guardian Project and F-Droid . On the software side of things, there will be a heavy focus on free and open-source solutions, and official Android software can be installed as well.

Unlike other mobile operating systems, the biggest advantage of CopperheadOS will be the constant flow of security updates being sent to all operating system users all over the world. There will be no dependency on vendors, carriers, or even the app stores to push out updates, as F-Droid guarantees users will have direct access to the latest versions at all times.

The role of The Guardian Project is equally important, […]

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