A View from the Cell of Ross Ulbricht

By March 31, 2016Bitcoin Business

It has been a tough couple of years for Ross Ulbrich t and his family.

In mid-2015, Ross Ulbricht learned his fate for his involvement in Silk Road (which was futilely appealed ). The Silk Road , as readers may remember, was an online black market that featured everything from guns to drugs to counterfeit documents for sale. His mother, Lyn, has suffered serious health complications presumably from the stress associated with the situation. So far the situation seems dire. But it looks like the family is it in it for the long run.

In a recent article from The Daily Dot , Patrick Howell O’Neill catches up with the family to see how they are coping with this extraordinary situation.

According to O’Neill, Ross seems to be settling into prison life as well as one can be expected. He is now teaching GED classes to other inmates. He has even begun teaching more advanced classes like physics as well. It seems that this once kingpin of the first darknet market is acclimating to his new reality. Ross is often moved from prison to prison on short or no notice, leaving his family to the task of tracking him down for their next visit. But the real story is unfolding outside of the prison walls.

Ross’s mother Lyn is still gathering funding and support to continue the fight for his cause and ultimately his freedom. Thus far she has raised over $433,000 for his legal defense. Ulbricht’s family is prepping another appeal to be filed this summer.

For his family ,the fact that, for now, Ross will spend the rest of his life behind bars seems like a miscarriage of justice. As O’Neill quotes Lyn Ulbricht, she says: It’s very clear that drugs are not the reason Ross is in there. He’s there […]

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