Blockchain CEO’s Business Advice on Bitcoin Startups

By April 3, 2016Bitcoin Business

Threading the waters as a Bitcoin startup is far from an easy task, as there are many different pitfalls to take into account. Moreover, given the negative stance most banks have toward Bitcoin startups, it might become a struggle to find the right financial partner at an early stage. Blockchain CEO Peter Smith recently shared some of his personal advice for any startup or entrepreneur looking to strike it big in the world of Bitcoin and digital currency.

Also read: Next Looming Financial Crisis Is A Potential Boost for Bitcoin A Bitcoin Startup Career Is Possible For Everyone

Contrary to what most people might assume , it is never too late to get involved with Bitcoin and digital currency in general. That being said, not everyone is cut out to become a self-employed individual in these times of financial hardship , and being part of a company entitles employees to certain benefits that would remain out of reach otherwise.

There is no shortage of enthusiasm in the Bitcoin space, though, which can only be seen as further validation of how much the digital currency industry has matured over the past few years. A lot of companies have turned into industry leaders, and with a growing focus on blockchain technology, many entrepreneurs and startups are exploring the boundaries of what is possible. All of these things lead to a healthy job creation record in the Bitcoin industry.

But things are not all rosy when it comes to the Bitcoin ecosystem from a startup point of view, as funding can remain a struggle for many companies. Bright ideas are one thing, but that does not mean they are all viable. Luckily, there are quite a few industry experts who will help out startups and their ideas, although a proper Bitcoin accelerator […]

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