Autonomous Racecars, Drones And Chainsaws And Mayhem

By April 13, 2016Bitcoin Business

image courtesy roborace via This is Change Log — my semi-weekly observations and links on the intersection of tech, commerce, health, culture and markets

Swap software engineers for race car drivers and an all electric power plant for a turbocharged internal combustion engine and you have the basis of the new e-sport racing car series. The industrial design of RoboRacers is so much cleaner without space for humans. Um, wait, I think I just described the merits of the robot apocalypse… General Electric is winning the Internet of Things sweepstakes by embedding sensors into its hardware and analyzing the resulting data in its Predix platform… Given the lack of affordable housing in San Francisco, young people have taken to living in pods . Futurama is real and that is a bad thing… How many Jason Stathams does it take to sell an Android smartphone? Judging by the latest action-packed commercial you’ll need at least 50… Samsung may have found a way to jumpstart the sagging fortunes of the tablet sector with a 7-inch foldable screen device due for release in 2017… Intel announced yesterday the acquisition of Yogitech, an Italian maker of integrated circuits and software tools to automate decision making for Internet of Things devices. Intel says the obvious use for such technology is self-driving cars and complex robotic installations… It turns out that people with autism have special qualities that make them ideally suited for software engineering… A new set of leaked documents suggest Russian President Vladimir Putin and other political leaders may be hiding billions in offshore bank accounts. This turns the concept of public service upside down. Yup, for corrupt politicians, public service certainly does pay … Some are beginning to make the argument Apple is becoming America’s Samsunggiven its recent lack of focus […]

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