“Internet of People”: How Blockchain Could Improve Uber, Airbnb and Other Services

By April 30, 2016Bitcoin Business

Luis Fernando Molina, the chief executive and founder of Fermat.org , has released a whitepaper on the “Internet of People”. The concept offers an alternative way for content creators to stay in control of their work.

Fermat.org is a platform that enables decentralised applications . The latter connect users directly to each other without any need for an intermediary. Developers can be paid modularly for app components that they create. Evolution from social to peer-to-peer

Operating in stealth mode for the last two years, the platform already has more than 60 full-time contributors collaborating from around the world on the system using similar technology to that of bitcoin transactions on the blockchain .

Molina says that Fermat will give users direct control of their personal digital footprint as well as more privacy and compares the project to the file sharing service BitTorrent because they both use a device-to-device-based network saying: “We will see an evolution from social to peer-to-peer”.

The platform enables atomised, modular creation of apps which makes sure that developers don’t end up duplicating work as well as each component in the Fermat system being “ white labeled ” in which each product is created generically and can be packaged, branded and sold by other companies.

So if a developer creates an app that another developer wants to incorporate into his or her app, a micropayment will go to the original developer. Copyright enforcement and digital asset Another use case the system enables is copyright enforcement in which an author or journalist can publish something on the blockchain and use the platform to automatically handle copyright transfer and sales as well as giving consumers access to their content while enabling bitcoin micropayment fees for readership.

Molina explains: “Laura, as a journalist, might be writing blogs, and you cannot prevent in the current […]

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