Promoting Bitcoin in Akron, Ohio with Bitcoin ATM

By May 1, 2016Bitcoin Business

Akron, the fifth largest city in the state of Ohio is not the one to be left behind in the bitcoin revolution. Keeping up with the times and changing global economy, the city got its first bitcoin ATM recently.

Akron is one of the hotbeds of innovation in the United States, the city is home for some of the well-known companies and innovation centers that are responsible for running the modern world as we know it. It is the home for the American polymer industry, where most of the innovations in rubber and polymers emerged.

It is not surprising for a place with the “ City of Innovation ” written on its seal (the seal was included in 2008 after the city received the All-America City Award for the third time) to have its own bitcoin ATM. It would be surprising if it didn’t get one. According to Ohio state media outlets, the city’s first Bitcoin ATM is located in the corner of Starz Market , right across the University of Akron .

Installed last Monday, the Bitcoin has received few visits from the locals wanting to make bitcoin transactions on the ATM., a news publication, which visited the outlets describes the machine to be like just any other ATM, inconspicuously tucked away in the corner beside a soda vending machine. The placement of the machine seems to be a bit disappointing, especially with people still getting to know about the digital currency and how it works. It would have been better if it was readily visible so that the ones who are already familiar with bitcoin can readily use it and those who don’t could have familiarized themselves with the digital currency at least out of curiosity after seeing the machine.

While the Bitcoin ATM’s proximity to the University may be […]

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