Teen Makes $100,000 Through Bitcoin, Crowdfunds VR Headset

By May 5, 2016Bitcoin Business

After having been given $1,000 by his grandma at only 13-years-old, Erik Finman, now 17, made the risky decision to invest in the notoriously volatile Bitcoin market. His investment very much paid off.

When he was 15, only a year and a half later, he liquidated his Bitcoins, making a cool $100,000. He’s now crowdfunding his very own VR headset. He has been featured in Time Magazine, Mashable, CBS News , Business Insider, The Times, BBC, and more. From Bitcoin investment to Marvel VR headset

After Bitcoin’s price skyrocketed past the $1000 per bitcoin mark in 2014, Erik Finman, having presumably bought in at the sub-$100 per bitcoin mark in 2013, sold for monumental profits.

In his TEDxTeen talk, he says about this experience: “I was competitive with my brother. And he was going on and on about this thing called Bitcoin, which, he said, was going to replace the dollar, was the currency of the future. I didn’t really care but I wanted him to shut up. Using all the money that I saved up, I decided to buy more coins than he had. That turned out really well for the future.” Erik then used these newly acquired funds to start up an online tutoring service called Botangle . He wanted to address some of the negative experiences he had with the educational system and provide learning that was focused on the student.

“High School dropout that made 100k & started Botangle”, as he put it in his LinkedIn profile, Erik seems to have moved on, at least temporarily, from the world of online education, and has made plans to launch his own virtual reality headset, The Marvel.

The Marvel is a VR headset that is designed to work exclusively with a large array of Android smartphones. Marvel Lens The device differs […]

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