The Silver Lining to the Craig Wright Saga – A Re-United Bitcoin Community

By May 7, 2016Bitcoin Business

While the dust now settles regarding the recent claim by Craig Wright that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, on reflection, I think there is a simple and rational explanation to the seemingly confusing and dazzling recent magic show.

Although you cannot prove a negative, you can provide evidence to show that something is highly unlikely and the more evidence the more the standard of beyond reasonable doubt is reached. In this case, there is zero evidence Craig Wright is Satoshi, or that the now infamous supercomputer exists, however, there is good evidence to strongly suggest that he is not Satoshi and that the supercomputer does not exist.

The strongest evidence that he is not Satoshi is the invalid proof, which was seemingly passed as valid in his now deleted blog post on May the 2 nd , the so-called “ cryptographic miracle “. That is followed by a mountain of evidence to show he is not Satoshi. Such as seemingly buying bitcoins at $1,200 while he apparently already owns a million bitcoins or his constant lack of spelling and proper grammar which may be intentional and act as a distraction from the general, vague and often incorrect nature of his statements.

The strongest evidence that he does not have a supercomputer is that SGI, a highly respected company, denies in no uncertain terms any relationship with Wright or any of his companies, while Wright or his companies, in a probably fake letter, state that there is a partnership between SGI and Wright or one of his companies. Moreover, of course, there is no evidence this supercomputer exists.

Wright seemingly claimed at the Australian Tax Office that he spent some 100 million dollars or so on the seemingly non-existent supercomputer which entitled him to $54 million in tax rebate. It is not clear whether […]

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