Dragon’s Tale – Guess which Fruit the Monkey will pick and Win a Jackpot

By May 12, 2016Bitcoin Business

Dragon’s Tale is one of the oldest Bitcoin Casinos in the ecosystem and also one of the funniest Casinos around. Dragon’s Tale managed to develop a game where players could experience the wonders of a role play game while being able to gamble through several casino-based mini games.

It is an awesome game where you enrol a character and go around gambling meeting people in a fantastic Casino world. At Dragon’s Tale, players will also be able to interact with practically everything in the game environment, meaning that they can bet on pretty much anything. Aside, specific mini-games, they can also bet at Trees, leaves, benches, bushes, wells, and much more.

Silly Monkey is one of these fun mini games. It is a simplistic version of the Monkey Rolette Game, and its essence is nearly the same. It is a game of guessing. The player will need to guess which fruit the monkey will land on so that they can win a reward.

To bet on a fruit, click on its tile. It will show you what it will pay if the monkey chooses that fruit. Some tiles are jackpot tiles and others are community tiles. Jackpot tiles are the ones you can bet on and will pay equal to the payout multiplied by the bets placed there. So if you place a 2 Bitcoin bet on a fruit that has a payout of 4:1 and the monkey chooses that tile, you will win 8 Bitcoins. The other tile type is a community tile. You can’t bet on these, but if the monkey lands on one, every bet you placed will pay the odds on that community tile. So if you place 4 Bitcoins in total bets spread amongst many jackpot tiles and the monkey chooses a fruit on a community […]

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