Breadwallet Update Includes Apple Watch Support

By May 17, 2016Bitcoin Business

Breadwallet is one of the most popular bitcoin wallet solutions for iOS users. In the most recently released update, some minor issues have been fixed, and the developers have added a compatible version for Apple Watch users as well. Breadwallet Comes To Apple Watch

A lot of people use a Bitcoin wallet on their iOS devices, but the number of solutions available is still fairly limited. Breadwallet is the most prominent solution for all of these users, as it is also one of the most secure Bitcoin wallet options. Plus, the developers are very active too, which is always a positive note.

In the latest update of Breadwallet for iOS, there are some exciting changes. First of all, the developers have fixed a lingering bug in the client which would act up when scanning a QR code, which would then have to be rescanned. Although this might be an insignificant bug to most people in the world, it is always good to see these issues being addressed at an early stage.

Secondly, another visual bug has been identified and fixed, as some users complained their pending transactions would not count towards their Breadwallet Bitcoin balance. Most other solutions offer this functionality for quite some time now, and it does give a better overview of how much funds one owns in Bitcoin at all times.

But perhaps the biggest change comes in the form of Apple Watch support for Breadwallet, which is a significant update. Even though the future of wearables remains up in the air right now, a lot of people have taken a liking to their Apple Watch since it has been released, although the app offerings are still a bit lacklustre.

While not everyone may want to check their Bitcoin wallet balance on an Apple Watch, it is always good […]

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