Ethereum to Open Blockchain Research Center in Russia’s Silicon Valley

By May 19, 2016Bitcoin Business

Ethereum blockchain platform is to open a Blockchain research center in Skolkovo (Russia’s counterpart of Silicon Valley), and partner with Acronis data management company, as reported by the Russian

On Monday, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum platform, hosted the “Ethereum Russia 2016” conference in Skolkovo, which was also attended by the representatives of QIWI payment processor, AlmazCapital venture fund, IBM, Waves, and Acronis.

The conference was dedicated to “the most recent and significant topics in the Blockchain industry”. Skolkovo Blockchain research center

After the event, Ethereum and the Skolkovo Foundation announced plans to jointly open a special center for blockchain technology research and testing. They expect that the center’s activity will facilitate the introduction of blockchain tech to the financial, banking and state sectors, as well as the industry of commodity exchange. Another purpose of the center is to support IT projects and startups working with blockchain technology.

Igor Bogachev , the Vice President of Skolkovo, says: “The Skolkovo Foundation, in co-operation with Ethereum, will organize the selection and acceleration of promising projects and teams, and provide support to blockchain startups in the form of tax benefits and grants. The development center will not only be able to satisfy the current demands of the state and business, but also the future ones: Internet of Things micropayments, complex smart contracts execution, creation of hybrid platforms and state registers of any kind.” Today, Ethereum is serving a number of international banks, including Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Barclays, and JP Morgan, as well as the Microsoft company, and others. Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, has claimed that the Russian market “poses great interest and provides a large potential for further development of Ethereum and the launch of new fintech projects”.

Buterin says: “Ethereum has already proven its functionality on the Global market, […]

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