China Bitcoin Mining Growth May Help Overcome Worries Over 7/11 Halving

By May 21, 2016Bitcoin Business

What effect will the July 11 halving have on the Bitcoin’s value? As many worry that mining becomes less profitable, some experts take a different view. Most Bitcoin users believe that the pending halving in July will have an effect on the cryptocurrency’s value. Speculations are rife that Bitcoin mining activities will be less profitable afterwards especially for big miners which will extend to individuals who have mining contracts. Some say the small miners will also suffer.

A debate about the topic appeared in a discussion thread which has two separate quotes from Genesis Mining. A first post by EBK1000 in response to a miner was the following: "We know the halving will be a topic, but we cannot predict what will happen. We can’t even predict the next difficulty change due to the nature of cryptocurrency and its daily changes. But just one thought, when the mining reward will halve, also the need for BTC will increase due to expanding companies and the value of BTC will increase, and this not on minor numbers. Best regards, Tom, Genesis Mining" In his next post he says: "If all else remains the same then mining would probably not be profitable anymore. But as said, nothing ever stays the same and effects of the (coming) halving are not known. Value can rise or drop, people can stop mining, making difficulty go down, more people could be mining it for value reasons, and so on." Mining worries

“This halving is different from the previous because when the first one happened,” says Tim Akinbo , CEO of Nigeria-based TimbaObjects to CoinTelegraph, “most people mining Bitcoins were hobbyists. Today we have people mining as a commercial operation with millions of dollars in investment.”

He says that most mining operations are barely profitable now and if […]

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