Chain CEO Urges Central Bankers To “Run” Towards Blockchain

By June 6, 2016Bitcoin Business

Adam Ludwin, chief executive officer at Chain , a San Francisco, Calif.-based startup that partners with businesses like Visa and Nasdaq to provide blockchain networks, explained how blockchains work and urged bankers to embrace the technology during a keynote address at the International Conference on Policy Challenges for the Financial Sector, held at the Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C., according to Bloomberg . Adam Ludwin The event was attended by central bankers from 90 countries, including officials from the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, and Janet Yellen, chair of the Federal Reserve in the U.S.

Ludwin told listeners they should be “running toward this opportunity.” Why Central Banks Should Act

Ludwin gave a history of bitcoin and blockchain technology, which he said has captivated Wall Street executives since it provides a way to release billions of dollars by speeding up transactions that often take days or weeks. He said the banks should issue fiat currency in digital form.

Ludwin has claimed that the entirety of financial services will become a software business since the tools exist to make this happen, according to a recent article in The International Business Times .

He told the gathering of central bankers that government plays a lead role as the backer or creator of technology at the infrastructure stage, which is where blockchain is at present.

Cyber thefts give banks a good reason to pay attention to new technologies. Cyber Theft Poses Challenge

Thieves stole $81 million from Bangladesh’s central bank in February. An Ecuador bank claims it was robbed of $12 million last year, while criminals attempted to steal $1.1 million from a Vietnam bank that experts believe might have been a practice drill for the Bangladesh robbery.

Some of the cyber attacks utilized a messaging system operated by the Society […]

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