Fixing DAO Will Take Months, Community’s Response Is Crucial

By June 9, 2016Bitcoin Business

One of the greater experiments of the decade finds itself in limbo as the DAO token holders weigh solutions to a number of attack vectors exposed by Emin Gün Sirer , Vlad Zamfir and others. Attacks against the DAO

“There are so many attacks against the DAO that some of them cancel each other out,” said Sirer in a recent interview. Such as the stalker attack which may allow an attacker to steal your money when you try to withdraw DAO tokens through a split function.” “It’s a race condition,” says Sirer, comparing it to Microsoft’s blue screen of death, “it’s just not good system design.”

“Building a solution to this is very, very easy,” says Zamfir. “Having a withdraw function would be a very elegant fix.” Other attack vectors may take months, but “unlikely to take more than a year” according to Sirer. Moratorium to freeze the DAO’s activities

The DAO functions through token holders voting for proposals with a minimum quorum of 20%, but there is a bias towards voting yes, say researchers, as a ‘no’ vote may aid in reaching the quorum.

Out of 59 proposals the most popular is a moratorium to freeze the DAO’s activities until solutions are implemented. With only three days to go it has 7.24% of the quorum, despite receiving wide publicity. Most have voted in favour by a wide margin, but there are proposals where the ‘no’ vote has far more support, such as almost 85% voting against a proposal for curators to hire contractors to fix the DAO for 5,000 Ether. Few seem to suggest that a ‘yes’ bias does not exist with other more direct flaws such as the inability to withdraw funds after voting even if you are against the proposal.

“There are techniques from game theory for how to […]

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