WAVES To Release its Main Net Client Tomorrow

By June 9, 2016Bitcoin Business

WAVES , the crypto-platform for asset/custom token issuance, has announced their plans to release today a test-net client, and a limited main-net version for tomorrow. The team encouraged the users to try the test-net software to experience the user interface and to get a hold of the system. WAVES Launch Date

The main net version that is going to be released tomorrow will allow token holders to create their WAVES blockchain addresses, and send withdrawal requests, Sasha Ivanov, WAVES founder said: We’ll start processing withdrawals on Friday. By next week, we hope that most people will have their coins withdrawn and we’ll be more focused on full node development and launch at exchanges. The team is focused on delivering an uneventful network launch, Ivanov said that they are working hard to polish the final details, to have a stable network that can quickly scale and develop. Our ICO is over and now it’s time to proceed with the network launch. As you probably have already noticed we’re always trying to move fast. But at the same time, we need to make sure that everything works properly, which is especially important for decentralized p2p networks such as blockchain systems. WAVES is a project developed by a group of developers and businessmen who were involved with NXT platform. The team wants to release at launch a suite of tools that will enable decentralized crowdfunding, community management, encrypted messaging. WAVES uses a Proof of Stake consensus algorithm and has a token issuance of 100 million (15 million will be assigned to the developers foundation).

The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) period ended on May 31, the project raised a total of 29636 Bitcoins (more than $16 million), users and traders alike will be pleased if the launch unfolds without any service interruptions or Denial […]

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