Help Fund The First Cryptocurrency Scholarship

By June 10, 2016Bitcoin Business

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are always looking for ways to create completely different projects than what people would expect. One of these projects revolves around creating the world’s first cryptocurrency-funded scholarship. The goal would be to fund students so they can attend a university of their choice in Europe. Cryptocurrency Scholarship is a Good Cause

The outset of this particular campaign on Startjoin is relatively simple: there is a minimum US$6,500 target for this crowdfunding campaign. If the campaign itself is successful, the campaign creator will be able to pay for his own college education. Attending college can be quite costly depending on where one lives in the world.

Some people might question why they would back such a project, as there is very little to gain from doing so personally. While that is certainly true, the campaign creator is offering some rewards in exchange for backing. These range from a thank you card to t-shirts and even an 18-karat hard gold plated watch.

But in the end, campaigns like there are not about personal gain and all about the good cause. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are an invaluable tool regarding how it can be used. Sending someone to school to earn their college degree is a cause as good as any other. In fact, it might even be a better cause than some others, but that is more of a personal matter.

The campaign creator wants to attend the University of Milan , where he hopes to major in political science. Overall, the plan is to study International Politics in Europe, and learn more about the European culture, history, and literature. Covering these expenses will require US$15,000 in total – or more, depending on how many contribute just for the physical rewards.

The money will be used to pay for attending college itself, and […]

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