Upcoming Bitcoin Halving Is An Opportune Moment For Portfolio Diversification

By June 12, 2016Bitcoin Business

There is no denying the number of Bitcoin investors around the world is growing at an accelerated pace. A recent study by the Huobi exchange shows how a lot of their users recently made the switch to Bitcoin to diversify their existing portfolios. Quite an interesting development to say the least. Portfolio Diversification Is Key

Anyone who is managing an investment portfolio – either their own or someone else’s – has to start diversifying at some point along the way. Traditional investment opportunities will always have a certain appeal, such as stocks, gold, and even various fiat currencies. But at the same time, these traditional options are also reaching the limit of their potential, and new opportunities have come along.

Bitcoin is one of those opportunities, which operates entirely outside of the realm and rules of traditional finance. No one can take control over Bitcoin as the decentralized cryptocurrency has no central leader or authority. This creates a free market business model, where traders play an integral role in directing the future of the Bitcoin price.

Huobi , one of the leading Chinese Bitcoin exchanges, has indicated how several of their users have recently made the switch to Bitcoin. The majority of these switches stem forth from traders who want to diversify their portfolio even further, rather than counting on gold, stocks, and US Dollar. Given the scarce nature of Bitcoin and its recent price increase, the cryptocurrency holds a lot of potential for the future.

Moreover, the people who have made this switch are well aware of what the Bitcoin halving means, and they feel rather optimistic about this historic milestone. While a lot of people hope the Bitcoin halving will lead to a price increase in the next few weeks, it remains to be seen whether or […]

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