Big data will fix internet security … eventually

By June 14, 2016Bitcoin Business

I’ve always thought that improved computer security controls would “fix” the internet and stop persistent criminality — turns out it might be big data analytics instead.

I’ve long written that only a large-scale improvement of the internet’s authentication mechanisms (that is, pervasive identity) could significantly reduce crime. If everyone on the internet had a default, assured identity, attackers would have a much harder time committing and getting away with cybercrimes. [ Make threat intelligence meaningful: A 4-point plan . | Discover how to secure your systems with InfoWorld’s Security newsletter . ] We’ve seen some progress over the years, such as two-factor authentication and better access controls. The days are numbered for simple logon names and passwords . And though it takes time for defensive controls, warrants, and legal evidence to be collected, efforts on the part of law enforcement are resulting in a greater number of successful prosecutions.

Still, I’m disappointed that pervasive anonymity and weak authentication remain the norm. At the moment, internet crime seems to be at its zenith — and much of society has accepted today’s sad state of affairs as inescapable. They think we can’t do any better.

Nothing could be further from the truth. As the internet matures, legitimate uses will prevail and criminality will shrink. You can bet the bank — or your bitcoins — on that. What I failed to anticipate in the past, however, is the huge role big data analytics would play in securing the internet, our corporate networks, and our personal devices. Big data security analytics might actually account for a bigger piece of the solution than stronger authentication.

The truth is, we’ve had big data security analytics for a while. For example, today’s antispam mechanisms work pretty well. Spam may still account for more than 50 percent of every email sent […]

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