Hundreds of Millions of Dollars’ Worth of Bitcoin Stuck for Days

By June 17, 2016Bitcoin Business

As Bitcoin sees a stratospheric rise over the last few days, increasing by $100 in just a day, users have noted a corresponding increase in transaction confirmation delays. More than 250,000 bitcoins were waiting to move at one point yesterday, according to tradeblock, currently valued at almost $200 million. Tradeblock’s mempool, which tracks confirmation delays, reached an all-time high (ignoring last summer’s capacity tests) of 45MB. Tens of thousands of transactions and hundreds of thousands of bitcoins continue to be stuck for hours or days.

Bitcoin users took to reddit en-mass to complain and seek information. At one point, the whole front page was covered by the topic with seemingly new Bitcoin users asking for help. Some, however, maintain that the hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of Bitcoin are all just spam or, in some way, some sort of attack . Hashrate Increase Briefly Increased Capacity

The Bitcoin network has been running at full capacity for the past six months due to demand seemingly surpassing an artificial transaction cap of approximately 250,000 transactions a day or around 2-2.5 transactions a second.

An increase in hash-power last month by almost 30% or more increased capacity for a few weeks, allowing the network to run at an all-time high of four transactions per second without any significant delay. During the same period price rallied by almost $300, primarily due to China and the expected halving.

The brief respite in transaction capacity has now ended as difficulty adjusted to account for the new hashpower, returning Bitcoin blocks to their normal distribution of approximately one block per ten minutes, but the network continues to run at almost four transactions per second, thus creating the all-time high backlog. Proposed Solutions to Full Capacity

One proposed solution is Segregated Witnesses , which is undergoing final review […]

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