Time To Spend Bitcoin During The Steam VR Sale Weekend

By July 30, 2016Bitcoin Business

Gamers who happen to be Bitcoin enthusiasts may want to close attention to the Steam platform this weekend. With 175 different virtual reality games going on sale this weekend, there are plenty of bargains to be scored. As Steam accepts Bitcoin payments since a few months, this is a great moment to put cryptocurrency on the map in the gaming sector. Buy Discounted VR Games With Bitcoin

For those among us fortunate enough to own a computer that can support virtual reality, as well as the other equipment, the upcoming Steam sale will be of great interest. Even though VR is relatively new to the gaming world, the gaming platform will discount 175 different titles over the course of this weekend.

With discounts as high as 80%, there is no reason not to spend Bitcoin on some of the bargains Granted, the necessary hardware remains ridiculously expensive to buy, but there is not much to do about that for now. Scoring some discounts among the game titles is better than nothing, and may convince some more people to purchase a VR headset in the long run.

Some people might be surprised there are over 175 VR games to be found on the Steam platform already. It only seems like it was yesterday when virtual reality gaming was introduced to the world. However, the trend is here to stay, albeit paying between US$20 and US$40 per game was rather steep for most enthusiasts.

It has to be said; this is not the first Steam VR sale to take place. Just a few months ago, the company held a similar sale, albeit that was before� the integration of Bitcoin payments. Now that BitPay is processing transactions on behalf of Steam and its users, it is not unlikely we will see some cryptocurrency transactions […]

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